Leading Worship



Date Reading YouTube Aberfeldy Parish Church Dull &Weem Grandully, Logierait and Strathtay Zoom
12th September Neil Glover – Logierait Ken Allstaff Sheila Wallace Neil Glover – Logierait Ken Allstaff
19th September Neil Glover – Weem Neil Glover – Ordination of New Elders Neil Glover – Communion (tbc) Richard Campbell – Logierait Neil Glover
26th September Neil Glover – Aberfeldy Parish Church Rev Geoff Davis Rev Geoff Davis Neil Glover – Harvest Thanksgiving- Logierait Rev Geoff Davis
3rd October Neil Glover – Tenandry Neil Glover Neil Glover – Harvest Thanksgiving Rose Patterson – Strathtay Neil Glover
10th October Neil Glover – Strathtay Angus Macdonald Tommy Pringle Neil Glover – Strathtay – Harvest Thanksgiving (tbc) Angus Macdonald
17th October Margaret Yearsley – Weem Ken Allstaff Margaret Yearsley Jimmy Simpson – Strathtay  Ken Allstaff
24th October Neil Glover – Aberfeldy Parish Church John Hayward Nigel Henderson Rev Geoff Davis John Hayward
31st October Neil Glover – Tenandry Neil Glover Neil Glover – Communion (tbc) 5th Sunday Neil Glover
7th November Neil Glover tbc tbc tbc tbc
14th November Neil Glover tbc tbc tbc tbc