
The following activities take place throughout the year.  We’d love you to be involved so please contact Angela, the Church administrator, for further information on any of these activities (administrator@aberfeldyparishchurch.org).

Group Details Where
Prayer Group Wednesdays 7.30-8.30pm Farragon room
Men’s Prayer Breakfast – Now called Amen Corner First Saturday of the month – 8.00am-9.00am Kitchen or Farragon room
Wee Worship Sunday or weekday evenings Private homes
Town House group 1st& 3rd Tuesdays 8.00-9.30pm & Sundays at 6.30pm Private homes
The Strath House group Thursdays 7.30-9.30pm Private homes
Quilting Thursdays 11.00-3.00pm Farragon room – please access this room via the back door of the Church
Warm Connections Normally available on Mondays & Tuesdays Varies
Breathe – Youth work Through the Week for all school age children & young adults. Breathe Centre